Our Purpose:
Providing Veteran Mobility One Chair at A Time
- To help foster, encourage, and promote the improvement of condition of all veterans
- To promote physical improvement, growth and development, self-respect, self-confidence, and usefulness of veterans and their families.
- To provide an improved quality of life not only for the veteran but for the family.
- To collect and provide information that will aid local veterans’ in improving their quality of life.
- To assist not only disabled but needy war veterans including, but not limited to WWII, Korea, Vietnam, OEI, OEF Veterans and their dependents, and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans.
Special Veteran Emphasis
- Involved the local community in donating not only time but finances
- Find local veterans that are living at home, in assisted living, or nursing homes and provide a special motorized wheelchair when needed.
- Improve the quality of life for the veteran by using the resources of local/state government; Veteran Service Officers, Idaho State Service Officers, VFW, American Legion, Disabled American Veteran, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and other service organizations.
- Review special issues pertaining to disabled women and minority veterans.
- Provide a motorized wheelchair to all deserving disabled veterans and their families.
- All monies donated/received will be used for the repair, restoration, supplies and transport of the wheelchair
- These monies will also, provide resources to pick up donated chairs.
- All work/transport of these chairs will be donated.
- The chairs will be given free of charge to any veteran that needs a motorized chair and has a DD214 (Discharge) or Separation Papers.
- These chairs can be given to family members of a recognized veteran.
- The HOW group is a 501c3 corporation. Which means that all donations are tax deductible.